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It’s an issue of concern to an increasing number of homeowners each year. According to the Solar Energy Industries Association, residential solar energy has experienced an average yearly growth rate of 68% over the last decade. Before taxes, an installed rooftop solar energy system can cost anywhere between $15,000 and $25,000, according to the Center for Sustainable Energy. I recently received a bid for my new home in the Painted Prairie neighborhood of Aurora, Colorado, and the number was pushing $40,000…crazy! Paying to replace a damaged system could be a big financial burden for many homeowners. Being able to insure that investment against damage from a storm or other event could be key in whether you choose to add solar panels to your home.
Solar panel insurance coverage is included in most homeowners insurance policies. However, you may need to increase the amount of coverage on your home to account for the cost of the system which can then raise your premium. Solar systems and rooftop panels are considered a permanent attachment to your property, like a patio or a security system. If the panels are separate from your home's primary structure—mounted on the ground or on a detached carport, for instance—they are usually included in coverage for "other structures."
If you lease your solar panels instead of buying them, ask the solar company how insuring them works. Many companies will insure the panels themselves. However, some companies may want you to add them to your homeowners insurance, or have you purchase solar panel insurance that they sell.
Solar panel systems can be an excellent investment, reducing your electricity bill while increasing the value of your home. Protecting that investment with the proper homeowners insurance can help ensure you’re covered if the unexpected happens. If you’d like to discuss the implications of solar and your homeowners policy, contact us at
Kevin Volz - Agency Principal - Badger Insurance Advisors
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